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Become a Frontend Developer in 7 months. 


Why Frontend Developer? Four Advantages of the Profession



As a Frontend Developer, you have a unique opportunity to combine technical skills with creativity. You create user interfaces that are both functional and visually appealing. This allows you to express your ideas and aesthetics through code, directly impacting how users perceive and interact with applications.



Frontend Developers are in constant demand in the job market. With the growing need for web and mobile applications, the skills to create intuitive and responsive interfaces are highly valued. Working in this field offers significant job stability and numerous career development opportunities.



As a Frontend Developer, you are on the front lines of creating user experiences. Your work directly impacts how users perceive and interact with applications. You can see the immediate results of your efforts right after deployment, which provides great satisfaction and the opportunity for continuous improvement of the product based on feedback.



Knowledge of frontend technologies opens the door to various career paths. You can work across a wide range of industries, from tech startups to large corporations. Additionally, familiarity with frontend frameworks and tools can lead to roles in UX/UI design, a full-stack developer position, or specialization in frontend technology.

Average Frontend Developer Salaries

Mapa świata z oznaczeniami

Career Paths for a Frontend Developer


Junior Frontend 

At the beginning of their careers, Frontend Developers typically start in a Junior role, where they learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as working with popular frontend frameworks. Your tasks may include implementing simple interface functions, styling page elements, and collaborating with more experienced developers on larger projects.
Skills: HTML, CSS, basic JavaScript, familiarity with frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap, jQuery), version control (Git).

Mid-level Frontend Developer

After gaining experience and skills, Frontend Developers advance to the mid-level. At this stage, you have greater autonomy in projects and tackle more complex tasks, such as integrating with APIs, creating responsive and interactive applications, and optimizing website performance. You often also begin mentoring junior team members.
Skills: Advanced JavaScript (ES6+), working with frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js), application state management (Redux, Vuex), performance optimization, unit testing.


Frontend Architect

Upon achieving the role of Frontend Architect, you focus on designing and overseeing the frontend architecture in large projects. You are responsible for selecting technologies, defining coding standards, and ensuring the scalability and performance of applications. You support the team in implementing best practices and resolving the most complex technical issues.
Skills: Designing frontend architecture, advanced knowledge of frameworks and libraries, implementing best practices for performance and security, communication with stakeholders, managing large projects.


Senior Frontend Developer


At the Senior level, Frontend Developers play a key role in the team, leading projects from start to finish. You are responsible for designing and implementing advanced user interfaces, ensuring best coding practices and project quality. You often collaborate with backend and design teams to ensure project consistency.
Skills: Frontend application architecture, advanced optimization techniques, team management, mentoring, collaboration with backend teams, familiarity with project management tools (e.g., Jira, Trello).

Technical Lead / Frontend Team Lead


At this level, you become the technology leader of the frontend team. As a Technical Lead, you oversee the team's work, ensuring projects are completed on schedule and maintaining high code quality. Your responsibilities also include mentoring team members, making key technological decisions, and closely collaborating with other departments in the company.
Skills: Managing the frontend team, making technological decisions, planning and coordinating projects, strategic thinking about technology development, advanced interdepartmental communication.

Format: Online
Duration: 6 months
Learn in Scrum
Live webinars

What You Will Learn

Creating aesthetically pleasing and responsive websites
Programming interactive web applications.
Using frameworks like React to build scalable applications.
Writing unit tests and implementing a Test-Driven Development approach.
Automating the application deployment processes.
Protecting applications from security threats.

Opanujesz kluczowe technologie

Logo JavaScript z czarnymi literami 'JS' na żółtym tle.

JavaScript is a versatile, high-level programming language used to create interactive and dynamic content on websites. It is essential for client-side scripting and forms the basis for modern web applications.

Logo React z czarnym atomem na jasnym tle, reprezentujące bibliotekę JavaScript do budowy interfejsów użytkownika.

React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications (SPAs). It allows developers to create reusable UI components, manage application state, and efficiently update the user interface.

Logo Node.js z zielonym napisem i sześciokątem, przedstawiające platformę do aplikacji serwerowych.

Node.js is a runtime environment that enables JavaScript to be used for server-side scripting. It allows developers to build scalable, high-performance backend services using a single programming language across the stack.

Logo CSS3 z białym symbolem na niebieskiej tarczy, reprezentujące stylizację stron internetowych.

CSS – The language used to style and visually format web content, allowing the design and layout of web pages to be customized, including colors, fonts, spacing, and responsiveness.

Scrum Framework – Master the Scrum methodology by managing roles, events, and artefacts such as Product Backlogs, Sprints, and Daily Standups. Scrum helps teams work iteratively, delivering value incrementally.

Ikona z dwiema teatralnymi maskami – komediową i tragiczną, symbolizująca sztukę i kreatywność.

Playwright – A modern, powerful end-to-end testing framework for web applications, known for its fast, reliable, and easy-to-use testing capabilities.

Logo Git z symbolem ścieżki i czerwonym znakiem Git.

Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in code during software development. It enables multiple developers to collaborate efficiently, manage code history, and handle branching and merging of codebases.

Ikona REST API z symbolem zębatki i napisem REST API, reprezentująca interfejs programistyczny.

REST API – A set of principles that provides a lightweight, stateless, and scalable way of communicating between client and server through HTTP requests and responses.

Logo HTML5 z białym symbolem na pomarańczowej tarczy, reprezentujące język do budowy stron internetowych.

HTML – The foundational markup language for creating and structuring content on the web, defining the skeleton of web pages and applications.

Who is the course for?

Postać rysunkowa w birecie absolwenta, z uśmiechem i dłońmi złożonymi w geście wdzięczności.

For those who have never worked in IT and want to learn a new profession from scratch

Postać rysunkowa z okularami pracująca na laptopie, wyglądająca na skupioną.

For designers who want to expand their skill set by learning to code

Postać rysunkowa z uśmiechem i gestem kciuka uniesionego w górę, wyrażająca aprobatę.

For corporate professionals seeking to upskill and stay competitive

Postać rysunkowa z okularami, uśmiechnięta, machająca ręką w geście powitania.

For creative problem-solvers who love building things

What is Scrum?
Scrum is a teamwork method that breaks down large projects into manageable tasks, allowing for quick collaboration, regular updates, and flexible responses to change.
Why it is good for education?
Scrum is great for education because it fosters active participation and continuous improvement, qualities essential for effective learning. By breaking down learning into small, manageable pieces, students can focus on understanding each concept fully before moving on. Regular feedback loops with instructors ensure that students stay on track and comprehend the material, while the collaborative nature of Scrum encourages teamwork and communication skills—vital for both educational settings and professional environments.
How it will help me in my career?
Learning in Scrum equips you with agile skills vital for the IT industry—promoting teamwork, adaptability, and efficient project completion. It mirrors the dynamic workflow of tech careers, making you workplace-ready.

Scrum in the Classroom: A Better Way to Learn



2 sprints est

You will learn to create responsive websites using HTML and CSS, building a solid foundation for further frontend studies.


JavaScript and TypeScript

3 sprints est

You will acquire programming skills in JavaScript and TypeScript, which are essential for building interactive and dynamic frontend applications.


Testing and TDD

1 sprint est

You will learn how to test frontend code by writing unit tests and applying a Test-Driven Development approach to ensure high-quality applications.

Agile and Scrum Methodologies

1 sprint est

You will learn how frontend developers work in teams using Agile and Scrum methodologies to efficiently collaborate on projects and deliver functionalities in sprints.


Version Control with Git

1 sprint est

You will master the basics of Git, allowing you to track changes in code, collaborate with your team, and effectively manage projects.


Basics of Frontend Frameworks

2 sprints est

You will learn about popular frontend frameworks, such as React, that will help you build modern and scalable web applications more efficiently.


Continuous Integration/
Continuous Deployment

1 sprint est

You will understand how to automate the deployment process of frontend applications using CI/CD tools, which will accelerate your deployments and improve project stability.



Web Application Security

1 sprint est

You will learn how to protect frontend applications from security threats by applying best practices in coding and testing.

Websockets and real-time communication

1 sprint est

You will learn how to implement WebSockets to enable real-time communication in your frontend applications.



Optimization and Performance

1 sprint est

You will understand how to optimize the performance of frontend applications to ensure they run quickly, are responsive, and provide users with a seamless experience.

Up-to-date program: updates every 7 months
Educational project in the portfolio

Mentors from top global companies

Job search assistance

We stand out by offering not only advanced but also a unique approach to learning that fully meets the needs of today's IT market. Here’s why our Frontend Developer Course is exceptional:

Learn in Scrum: Our courses are conducted according to the Scrum methodology, which is widely used in the IT industry. This allows you to learn how to work in a team, executing projects in the same way that professionals do on a daily basis.

Always Up-to-Date with the Market: We collaborate with industry leaders, enabling us to provide knowledge based on current trends and technologies, such as React, Vue, and modern CSS and JavaScript techniques.

Experienced Mentors: Our classes are led by seasoned senior developers who not only know frontend technologies but are also passionate about them. With their guidance, you will acquire practical skills that are essential at every stage of your career.


By joining our Frontend Developer Course, you will gain:

🚀 An innovative and practical learning program based on real projects and the latest frontend tools.

👩‍🏫 Support from experienced mentors who will assist you throughout the course, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with other course participants in a Scrum environment.
💼 Career development assistance that will help you quickly find a job as a frontend developer in the rapidly evolving IT industry.
📚 A modern educational plan built on the standards of leading international technology universities, preparing you for the challenges of the global market.

Course program

Why Do We Need Software Development Methodologies?

How does a programmer know what to do? Communication as the most challenging aspect of a programmer's life ⦿ Traditional methodologies and their shortcomings (e.g., waterfall) ⦿ Agile methodologies ⦿ Overview of Agile methodologies: Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), and Lean ⦿ Roles in Scrum: Scrum Master, Product Owner, team members (Developers) ⦿ Scrum artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment ⦿ Scrum events: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective ⦿ Sprint Planning: Defining the Sprint goal, selecting tasks from the Product Backlog ⦿ Estimation: Estimation techniques, e.g., Planning Poker ⦿ Monitoring progress: Using burndown charts, velocity ⦿ Creating and prioritizing the Backlog: Techniques for sorting and prioritizing tasks ⦿ Backlog Refinement: Regular reviews and updates of the Backlog ⦿ Scrum of Scrums: Coordination of work between teams.

Other Techniques for Programmers

Code review as a technique for ensuring correctness and quality ⦿ Pair programming: Benefits and challenges ⦿ Test-Driven Development (TDD): The Red-Green-Refactor cycle ⦿ Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Automating software development processes.


Communication and collaboration: Building an effective team ⦿ Conflict management: Techniques and tools ⦿ Servant leadership: Role and importance in Agile methodologies.


In our e-learning system, you have access to the latest version of ChatGPT, an advanced AI-powered tool. It has been fully integrated into the platform to support you in your learning every step of the way.

If you encounter difficulties with the theory, ChatGPT is here to help. It explains complex concepts in simpler terms and provides additional clarifications whenever you need them. This allows you to absorb new information more quickly and effectively, fully utilizing the capabilities of artificial intelligence to make the most of your study time.


  • Czy potrzebuję wykształcenia technicznego, aby się uczyć?
    Nie, nie potrzebujesz. Nasz kurs jest zaprojektowany dla osób, które nie mają pojęcia o testowaniu. Program jest skonstruowany w taki sposób, abyś nabywał umiejętności profesjonalnego testera w trakcie kursu. Jeśli masz podstawową wiedzę, kurs pomoże Ci ją uporządkować i posunąć się dalej.
  • Czy mogę nauczyć się zawodu w kilka miesięcy?
    Uważamy, że tak, jeśli poświęcisz co najmniej 20 godzin tygodniowo na zajęcia, wykonasz zadania domowe i będziesz w kontakcie ze swoim mentorem. Wtedy w ciągu kilku miesięcy będziesz w stanie opanować twarde umiejętności, obronić swój projekt końcowy i rozpocząć swoją karierę w zawodzie.
  • Jak i kiedy będę się uczyć?
    W naszej metodologii nauczania opartej na Scrumie, proces nauki jest podzielony na dwutygodniowe sprinty, co pozwala na skoncentrowany i łatwy do zarządzania postęp, jednocześnie zachowując elastyczność. Szczegóły znajdziesz tu.
  • Kto będzie mnie uczył?
    Wszyscy mentorzy to praktykujący specjaliści. Program jest opracowany przez doświadczonych nauczycieli i metodyków, a także aktywnych profesjonalistów z wiodących międzynarodowych firm.
  • Czy będę w stanie znaleźć pracę po kursie?
    Nie będzie to łatwe, ale wierzymy, że tak. Pracodawcy zwracają uwagę na to, czy potrafisz tworzyć projekty, a nie tylko na to, czy posiadasz zestaw wiedzy. Nauczymy cię stosować teorię w praktyce i oczekujemy, że po ukończeniu kursu włożysz jak najwięcej wysiłku w poszukiwanie pracy: aktywnie odpowiadając na oferty pracy, przechodząc rozmowy kwalifikacyjne, prezentując swoje projekty oraz wykonując testowe zadania, jeśli zajdzie taka potrzeba. Z naszej strony możemy zagwarantować, że nie zostaniesz z tym sam; będziemy cię wspierać. Przygotujemy cię do pierwszej rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej, wspólnie przeanalizujemy, jak poszła, i przygotujemy się do następnej.
  • Czy możecie pomóc w poszukiwaniu pracy?
    Tak. Jeśli chcesz, studenci mogą wziąć udział w programie wsparcia w poszukiwaniu pracy, który trwa od 2 tygodni. Z pomocą centrum kariery So-Skilled, studenci tworzą portfolio, przechodzą praktyczne rozmowy kwalifikacyjne z późniejszą analizą oraz uczą się pisać listy motywacyjne. Współpracujemy z różnymi firmami i regularnie oferujemy studentom oferty współpracy. Ważne jest jednak, aby pamiętać, że nie znajdujemy pracy za ciebie, ale pomagamy ci ją znaleźć.
  • Co jeśli chcę pracować w Google?
    Niektórzy z naszych studentów pracują w największych firmach IT, w tym w Google. Jednak byłoby z naszej strony niesprawiedliwe, aby cokolwiek gwarantować i budować twoje oczekiwania. Dostać się do dużej firmy IT bez doświadczenia jest możliwe, choć stanowi wyzwanie. Program jest zaprojektowany tak, abyś mógł rozpocząć swoją karierę po ukończeniu kursu i zdobyć początkowe doświadczenie. Z tym doświadczeniem będzie ci znacznie łatwiej aplikować na stanowiska w dużych firmach.

Do you have questions?

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